Friday, December 16, 2011

Treatment for Depression: Vancouver | Burnaby

The rates of Depression and Anxiety are increasing all the time. This includes the rates of these disorders for children, adolescents and adults. Depression and Anxiety lead to difficulties at school, work, with friends and in our personal relationships, including couples and marriages. Both of these disorders are treated initially by the medical field with medication. This is often useful, and sometimes necessary, however comprehensive treatment of Depression and Anxiety also calls for psychotherapy. For over 30 years Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has been found to be highly effective with both Depression and Anxiety. Most research finds that therapy using both medication and psychotherapy (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) is the most effective means of treating Depression and Anxiety. Throughout Vancouver, West Vancouver, North Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam, New Westminster and Maple Ridge we have counsellors, therapists, psychologists and social workers trained in providing CBT treatment to individuals with depression and anxiety. They are available through both public agencies and private practices. Call the British Columbia Psychological Association to find a psychologist. Other groups have similar services.
Sadness, low levels of energy and worry are common to all of us. We all have times of appropriate depressed mood. Depression becomes a problem when these symptoms of Depression become too frequent, start to interfere with our ability to get things done, and begin to take over our thinking patterns. These symptoms can include losing our appetite for life, or even for food that we use to enjoy, intrusive negative thoughts, low engery, weigh changes and changes in our daily habits and activities. We become isolated, lose our ability to tolerate common problems, and start to think in black and white terms about life, or ability to cope, and become consumed with feelings of hopelessness. These are some of the common signs and symptoms of Depression. Some of these symptoms may be caused by other problems, and one should never “self diagnose.” Many of these symptoms of Depression could be a simple problem with low iron, but they can be caused by many other physical issues that you need to have assessed before a diagnosis of depression is made. Start by talking to your family doctor or a psychologist. A medical evaluation is always best practice.  
Anxiety, like depression, has been increasing in frequency for several years. We are not sure why, but the world of work, school and family responsibilities has become more complex as time has gone on. Symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder include an inability to get to sleep, or to stay asleep. Sometimes individuals have extreme reactions of fear or panic to situations that don’t cause these reactions to others. Both Depression and Anxiety can cause difficulty focusing on work, at school or on relationships. Symptoms can range from feelings of worry to increases in heart rate, blood pressure, dizziness, sweating and flushing of the face or hands.  Sometimes these are general symptoms that seem to imbue someone’s entire day, other times they become more specific and targeted and constitute a phobia. Regretfully Anxiety and Depression often occur together, causing an individual to nearly stop in their shoes, afraid to take any action. As with Depression, Anxiety is not something you should self diagnose. You should write out a list of symptoms, and specific situations they may have occurred in, the time of day and so on. Take this list and see your medical doctor. He or she can either help you with a diagnosis of Anxiety or Depression, or they may ask that you see a Registered Psychologist fpor a comprehensive examination and diagnosis. Again, like Depression Anxiety if often treated with medication, however Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has also been found to be highly effective. Best practice is a combination of both medical intervention (or at least observation and monitoring) and therapy.
If you think you suffer from a Depressive Disorder of Anxiety Disorder the first step is always: See your medical doctor and talk it over. If you don’t have a family physician most walk in clinics in Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam and the surrounding areas have general practitioners who are trained to help you. They can walk you through the steps of diagnosis, and make a referral to either a psychologist or psychiatrist if they feel unsure about the diagnosis. If medication is a concern, talk over your concerns directly with your doctor. Write down your questions, copy any articles or other information you may have come across that you find worrying. You doctor can explain the pros and cons of different treatments. Don’t get information about treatment - especially medical treatment - from the internet. Often internet pages provide overblown and negative information about medical treatments in order to sell you something else, which is neither effective nor proven. Be careful. Trust your doctor!
A Registered Psychologist can offer you therapy that specifically addresses both Anxiety and Depression. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) has been found to be effective with both Depression and Anxiety. CBT teaches you skills to address immediate symptoms, such as relaxation, thought stopping and “Mindfulness.” CBT also focuses on teaching you new healthier ways to approach problems and conflicts, and helps you change negative, depressive and anxious thoughts to more realistic and helpful ones. Here in BC you will find information on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for anxiety at  You can also go to another government sponsored website: for information on CBT for Depression. I provide therapy and counselling for Depression and Anxiety in both my Vancouver and Burnaby offices, which serve Burnaby, Vancouver, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Port Moody and Maple Ridge. This includes treatment for children and adolescents with Depression and Anxiety.
Start by talking to your doctor. He or she can help you in determining if you have an Anxiety Disorder or Depression.  If you don’t feel comfortable talking to your medical doctor you can also talk to a Registered Psychologist. You can find a list of Registered Psychologists in Vancouver, Burnaby, Coquitlam and the surrounding area by contacting the British Columbia Psychological Association. Their website can help you find a psychologist who treats Depression and Anxiety near you. You can, of course, also check my web page and contact me if you’d like. The information is below.
My own services, as a Registered Psychologist are located at the addresses below. You can find out more information from my web page at
Other information about my practice can be found here (counsellingbc) , here (Psychology Today) or here (BC Psych Association)

Vancouver Counselling: Suite 303-338 8th Ave West, Vancouver, BC V5Y3X2
Burnaby and Coquitlam Counselling: 9304A Salish Court, Burnaby, BC V3J7C5
Phone for counselling services in Burnaby, Coquitlam, New Westminster, Port Moody and Coquitlam: 778.998-7975
Copyright 2011/2012 RelatedMinds Psychological and Educational Services - All Rights Reserved
RelatedMinds Psychological Services in Vancouver, Coquitlam and Burnaby
British Columbia. Specializing in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of depression, anxiety, relationship issues, anger management, learning disabilities, Autism and other related conditions.

KEY WORDS: Depression, Anxiety, Burnaby, Vancouver, Coquitlam, New Westminster, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Psychologist, therapist, counsellor, therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, CBT

Friday, December 2, 2011

ADHD Coaching | ADD Coaching

ADHD | ADD Assessment, Diagnosis and Treatment, including ADHD Coaching by a Registered Psychologist with over 20 years experience in the filed of ADD | ADHD treatment and intervention in schools, home and work. ADHD affects individuals, families and relationship. I provide interventions based upon the lasted science and evidenced based treatments.

For more information visit: